Monday, January 9, 2012

So Plush Modeling Company

On the Rise model Austreah Mitchell took time out of her busy schedule to speak with me about her modeling career and So Plush Modeling Company.

     My name is Austreah Mitchell, I am 24 years old, married, and I have one son named David C.A., born and raised in Detroit. I have a Associate degree in Television/Radio Production and one in Medical Billing Administration. Modeling became apart of my life in the Spring of 2007 when I went to my first casting call for a plus size agency called Yummy Modeling. I signed with them for a year and then went on to freelance modeling, working with the best photographers in Detroit.
So Plush Modeling Company was established in March 2011. I created this company to help aspiring plus size models jump start their careers.  We want to showcase curvy models and their many talents. We have numerous of networks to help them become successful in modeling industry. So Plush helps find casting calls for different modeling gigs, help build portfolios, comp cards, model coaching, etc.
Project So Plush was created to help women with their self esteem, help motivate, and aspire. We want to help them by showing them the path to sucess. Contining education or finishing school, start careers, helping single mothers, etc. is what we want to do for the community. Project So Plush have many events coming up, such as, "Make Me Over", "Girls Nite Out", and "Project So Plush Chat". These events are geared to help women in different areas. Being able to do public speaking, socialize, help self esteem, and  more.
I want to be successful in this industry as well as help someone else achieve their goals and dreams. You can contact So Plush Modeling Company by emailing us at and Project So Also, visit our website at and on  

Me: What motivated you to start the So Plush Modeling movement?

Austreah:  I want to show the world that curvier women are beautiful and talented. I feel as though we don't get enough credit or equality when it comes to fashion and entertaniment. Also, I want to inspire women and for them to love themselves and their curves!
Me: Why do you think it is so important to have a program that works on giving women self-esteem, and other skills that will help them in their professional career path?

Austreah: Its important because not a lot women get told that they are beautiful and they can do and be what they want. To have confidence is a big part of anyone's life, this makes you a strong person and be able to take on the world head on. So Plush Modeling shows women how to conduct themselves in the business world by showing how to book gigs, public speaking, market themselves, just to name a few. We also show how to apply makeup, beauty and health tips as well. These are very important skills needed. I believe in teaching and educating on life lessons as well.
Me: Since you have a "passion for fashion" do you have a favorite designer?

Austreah: Yes! I have a few. I love Verg Wang, very simple, elegant, classic. Kimora Lee Simmons, bold, loud, and "I'm here!".
Me:Have you ever been discriminated against because of your size when it came to modeling? If so how did you overcome that obstacle?

Austreah: No, not yet, and I hope that I don't.
Me: Where do you see So Plush Modeling and Project So Plush in the next 5-10 yrs?

Austreah: In the next 5 years I can see So Plush Modeling with 10-15 working models and they are traveling all over the country, working with designers and compaines. Project So Plush in the next 5 years helping women overcome struggles in their lives and helping them build self esteem and confidence in themselves. So Plush Modeling and Project So Plush in the next 10 years, having offices in each major city and having more models and still helping and saving women.
Me:. And what else can we expect to see from you? Do you plan on doing some more modeling or just helping other women achieve their greatness?

Austreah: Oh yes! Please expect more from me and my models! I also plan on having boutiques that cater to curvy women. I want to also have a curvy woman magazine. Maybe a cosmetic line! I'm always going to help women achieve their  goals and dreams, I know thats my calling from God!.

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